Manakau Village Nurseries - Plant Propagators

Monthly Plant Production List
Growing-On-Lines Plant Production Catalogue
Map to Manakau Village Nurseries
Terms of Trade for buying our liners

February 2025 Plant List

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Wholesale trade supplied only - we are not open to the public, sorry! New trade clients, please email us, including your business name, and ask to open an account.

Please read terms of trade for minimum purchase numbers. Unless otherwise specified, all listings are in 5cm pot. Numbers are not updated throughout the month.

Native SpeciesQuantity
Acacia cognata Green Mist (7cm) 32
Ajuga Jungle Beauty 30
Aloe vera 25
Aloe vera (7cm) 24
Anemanthele lessoniana (incl Fertil pot) 125
Arthropodium cirratum (incl Fertil pot) 45
Arthropodium Matapouri Bay (incl Fertil Pot) 800
Blechnum penna-marina (7cm) 32
Buxus hyb. Green Gem 450
Buxus microphylla var. koreana 100
Buxus sempervirens 350
Camellia Beatrice Emily -sas./cream edged lavender 100
Camellia Brian - reticulata hybrid/pale pink 50
Camellia Cinnamon Cindy - hybrid/white flushed pink 350
Camellia Crimson Tide - sasanqua/deep crimson 200
Camellia Debbie - hybrid/deep pink 75
Camellia Early Pearly - sasanqua/double white 125
Camellia Fairy Blush -hybrid/soft pink flushed dark pink 150
Camellia Jennifer Susan - sasanqua/soft pink 150
Camellia Midnight - japonica/dark red 15
Camellia Roger Hall - japonica/clear red 100
Camellia Setsugekka - sasanqua/pure white 100
Camellia Tanya - sasanqua/deep rose pink 50
Carex buchananii (incl Fertil pot) 42
Carex testacea 22
Carex testacea (incl Fertil pot) 1050
Carpodetus serratus (Foxton ED) (7cm) 40
Chionocloa flavicans (7cm) 96
Clematis montana Snowflake 90
Coprosma acerosa (Foxton ED) 450
Coprosma acerosa (Wellington ED) 414
Coprosma acerosa Hawera 350
Coprosma acerosa Red Rocks 800
Coprosma repens - reveg grade 20cm 50
Coprosma tenuicaulis 40
Cordyline australis 75
Corokia buddleioides x cheesemanii - 25cm grade 500
Corokia Frosted Chocolate 1000
Corokia Geentys Giant 420
Corokia Geentys Green 200
Cyperus ustulatus (Wellington ED) 196
Dacrycarpus dacrydioides (Foxton ED) 600
Dacrycarpus dacrydioides (Taupo ED) 500
Deutzia gracillis Nikko 100
Dodonaea viscosa 200
Dodonaea viscosa purpurea 150
Fuchsia Candy Bells 93
Fuchsia magellanica tricolour 65
Fuchsia procumbens 225
Grevillea barkleyana (8cm) 40cm grade 83
Griselinia Ardmore Emerald 100
Griselinia littoralis 350
Knightia excelsa (Wellington ED) 35
Laurelia novae-zealandiae (7cm)(Pukatea) 96
Lavandula ang. Foveaux Storm 175
Lavandula ang. Pacific Blue 75
Lavandula int. Grosso 550
Lavandula int. Super (syn. Arabian Night) 190
Lavandula ped. Pukehou 225
Lavandula sto. Major 125
Lavandula sto. Purple King 100
Leptospermum Burgundy Queen 350
Leptospermum Mahinepua -prostrate/single white 375
Leptospermum nanum Kea - single/soft pink 450
Leptospermum Red Falls- prostrate/single red 600
Leptospermum scoparium (Foxton ED) 250
Lobelia angulata (syn Pratia angulata) 1600
Loropetalum chin. Burgundy 350
Loropetalum chin. China Pink 350
Loropetalum chinense 150
Loropetalum chinense rubra 25
Meryta sinclairii (7cm) 192
Miscanthus Morning Light (7cm) 64
Muehlenbeckia complexa (Foxton ED) 1025
Muehlenbeckia complexa (Wellington ED) 1225
Olearia solandrii (Wellington ED) 250
Olearia virgata (Foxton ED) 1340
Ophiopogon japonicus 550
Ophiopogon japonicus Kyoto (dwarf) - CHUNKY PLANTS 650
Phormium cookianum (Upright Form) 25
Pimelea prostrata (Wellington ED) 225
Pimelea seismica (Wellington ED) 320
Plagianthus divaricatus 335
Podocarpus totara Matapouri Blue 350
Rosmarinus Lockwood de Forest 150
Rosmarinus prostratus (syn. lavandulaceus) 450
Scleranthus uniflorus 11
Sophora tetraptera (20cm grade) 100
Spiraea Anthony Waterer 150
Tetratheca Bibelles -GREAT PLANTS! DISCOUNTED! 500
Teucrium fruticans 320
Trachelospermum jasminoides 300

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